Zach’s House is a community of people helping eachother. Anybody is welcome to volunteer and there are so many ways to do so. Please contact us to offer whatever support you can or ask if there are any particular tasks we are needing help with now.

Fundraising is a huge part of our sustainability and future growth program. You are all so creative in your ideas to help fundraise for Zach's House and our events are all thought of by this community of friends helping us make Zach's House more successful to those to come who may have not yet needed the support Zach's House is there to give. Please contact us to discuss your fundraising ideas or how you can help with a current fundraiser.
In Person
Any of our event organizers or able to accept a donation during a live event. Some events are fundraising activities while others focus solely on support of the attendees; however all events bring people together to share their love for someone who has gone “home” already.
If you would like to donate to Zach's House CIC please see our bank details below. Thank you
Co-Op Bank
Account number-67193060
Sort Code-08-92-99
Over the Phone
We are only ever a phone call away to support you in any way we can. If you feel compelled to donate during a call we can accept your contribution at that time.
By Email
We are always checking our email to try and reply to your requests as fast as possible, but do give us a little time. We can email you more information about donating too.
Using this email: