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Zach's House Group Meditation

We meet on Zoom every Tuesday at 7pm and many Sundays at 3pm UK Time. Many of the meditations we do together are from The Monroe Institue using their Expand app, although we do other meditations including shamanic journeying from time to time. We chat for a few minutes to prepare for the exercise then go off and do the meditation. After the meditation we share our experiences together and many times there are amazing messages, often from our loved ones, for ourselves or others in the group, sometimes we get messages that none of us can take at the time, but later they make sense as what we get during the mediation has not happened yet !

Several of us journal our experiences but we thought we would create a combined journal entry for each session and post it as a blog to share, as we may well be receiving messages for others not in the group.

If you would like to join our meditation group you are very welcome, just leave a comment on the blog and we will contact you.

Look out for our first group journal entry tomorrow.

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Joanne Doody
2023년 4월 11일

I would like to join please.

Martin & Krista
2023년 4월 11일
답글 상대:

Hi Joanne, you are now invited to the meditation group on Whatsapp. You will also need to download the Expand app. EXPAND: BEYOND MEDITATION - Monroe Institute UK

Hope to see you soon 😀

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