Here is a fun little one from yesterday.
I (Martin) was at work and instantly there was a strong smell of toast in my office, my door was closed and I certainly wasn't eating toast, so I assumed it was in the main office area. I couple of moments later there was a knock at my door and people in the main office were concerned about me and there was a burning smell, (like toast) that seemed to be coming from my office and they know me so knew I wasn't eating in there, so they assumed it must be my little electric heater. I too told them I could smell toast they came in sniffed around my office and concluded it was toast and the smell was localized behind my monitors and between them and my door. A couple of people asked if it was Zach or other invisible friends of mine. Yes, they all know our story.
So I messaged Krista right away. Guess what? She had made toast a few minutes earlier and had taken it to work; the toast was then cold so had no smell but as she ate it she had noticed a strong smell of toast and she thought that was strange. Also she never makes toast for breakfast for herself, so making it is very unusual.