Day 51: 7th June, 2019
I woke up about 6:30 this morning to the smell of the most amazing flowers, almost like our candle in the hall was lit and it was right under my nose. After a few minutes, the smell dissipated and was gone. When Martin woke up, he said he woke up to the weight of Zach sitting on his feet. He said it was so heavy, it couldn’t be anything else. He kept his eyes shut and felt for Scruffy, who was laying alongside him but not on him. After a few seconds, the weight lifted and as Martin opened his eyes, Scruffy moved and put his head on Martin’s feet, the same spot where he felt Zach. It’s amazing how our animals are so connected. Tonight we were all sitting in the front room and Anne said she was going to turn on the news but before she could, the TV switched on by itself! The only way to turn it on is by the remote. This has happened before since Zach has passed. He is getting good with electronics. As Martin was driving home from work tonight he looked at the screen on the radio and the image that was there said “Legends at 11”. As many of you already know, everyone called Zach a legend and his racing number which comes up all the time with us was 11.