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The Pub

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 12: 29th April, 2019

Martin and I were talking this morning over coffee and he said he felt Zach tell him that we needed to go to this garden centre we all used to go to together and buy flowers, so we did and had lunch while we were there. Martin felt drawn to a particular flower and when we looked at the name is was called “Scent of Heaven” so of course we bought one. We know absolutely nothing about flowers or plants so the fact that he went to this one was definitely another sign. When we left, I drove the car home, it was crazy, I felt this pressure on my legs. The feeling of the weight was so great it actually felt like Zach was sitting on my lap. It was amazing and I have never honestly felt anything like that before. I told Martin and he said that, yes that is exactly how he felt when we left the crash site! When we got home we realised that Martin’s parents had left our house to go on a little drive. So Martin, mom and I went to the funeral home and while we were in the room, my mom tried to close the door over and over but this time, it wouldn’t shut and latch, which has never happened to us, so we just left it. It was as if someone was pulling on the door while we were trying to push it shut. We then start talking about the lighting in the room and how we should dim the lights, because Zach’s face from the accident was worse on one side than the other. The lighting made it look really bad and he wouldn’t want anyone to remember him like that. There are two lights in the room, one was above his face and the other above his legs. My mom had suggested that we change the lighting in the room by dimming the one above his face, then it wouldn’t be so intrusive. As she did that, we all agreed it looked better, so we asked Zach if it was ok with him. Zach answered immediately by flickering the light above his legs. It has never done this while we have been visiting and it flickered really brightly three times and then stopped! We knew that Zach approved and was glad we changed it. When we were leaving the funeral home, Martin’s dad called and their car broke down, so we went to meet them and see what was wrong with it. It wouldn’t start, so we called the RAC and they said it would be a few hours before they could get to the car. As it was close to dinner time, we decided to find a pub that was close to eat at. In our search we ended up at the pub Martin, Zach and I ate at right after we bought all of Zach’s racing gear last season and we knew it was Zach directing us as we have only ever been there once and it was that day with Zach. When we left to go back to the car the RAC guy tried to start the car and it started right up. Zach wanted us all to go to dinner together at the special place we ate at with him and they never did figure out what was wrong with the car.

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