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The phone

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 26: 13th May, 2019

I woke up this morning with the song, “She’s so lovely” stuck in my head. It was so clear, it was like Zach was singing it to me. I went to have a shower, got dressed and felt this tingling on both sides of my back and right in the middle between my shoulder blades. This tingling sensation got stronger and stronger and then turned into pressure, as if Zach had his arms around me and it lasted for about 10-15 mins. I honestly can’t explain the feeling but it was as if he was stood there hugging me as he used to do. After I got dressed I decided to sit down and watch a video I had recorded earlier on in the week. It was just a video of me chatting to Zach after he passed. I was alone in his room and while I was watching it, there was this bright green orb that appeared and it happened twice in the video while I was talking to him. Now, some of you may think it was just a shadow or a reflection, but I can assure you that there was no other light in the room, it was completely dark! Ella came over and decided she would stay the night. Again, we were videoing in his room, in the dark talking to him and as we said, “okay Zach we are tired now and we are going to go to sleep” the video switched off on it’s own and went back to the home screen. You honestly can’t make this stuff up! Ella and I laughed and thanked Zach.

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