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The Park

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 24: 11th May, 2019

I wake up to songs in my head again that I know are from Zach. I have explained that this has happened to me in earlier posts, it’s as if a radio is playing in my brain. The song I woke up to this morning was “The Bodyguard.” I absolutely know Zach is telling me he is right here protecting us. This afternoon, a bunch of us decided to go to a local park to have a picnic. We of course took Zach’s two dogs, Scruffy and Radar. They were being a pain in the ass, barking and just being silly. I think it’s because they were so excited to be with everyone. I used to tell Zach to control his dogs, it was quite a joke between us all. As we were sitting down, I said to Zach, “you wouldn’t be happy about how your boys are acting right now” and the instant I said that, Radar managed to step in his water bowl, which was not directly infront of him. It was just like Zach took his paw and placed it in the bowl and as he did, it was like a shower, the water literally flew up in the air and all over Martin and I and drenched us, but no one else got wet and there were people everywhere. It was dripping off of both of us and we know it was Zach saying “see, I still have control!”

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