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The chicken

Day 4: 21st April, 2019 (Chx Pix)

Today some of Zach’s friends came over. They met at the MSA Academy and are fellow racing drivers like Zach. They had been to where Zach had his accident and told us there was a chicken that was stood by their parked cars. One of their girlfriends decided to stay in the car. As she was sitting there, she was approached by this chicken. It just sat by her door and stared at her. When the guys came back to the car, they tried to run it off. It did run off but only into the bushes and immediately came back. This happened a few times and the last time, it sat directly behind the car, in the rear by the exhaust. They thought for sure it would leave as they started up the car. They tried revving it loudly but the chicken just sat there and moved over just a few inches. When they tried to chase it and catch it, it ran into the bushes and back out again so at this point they decided to leave. As they drove away, it ran across the road and stopped at the very spot where Zach had his accident.

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