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The Campervan

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 21: 8th May, 2019

Today, one of Ella’s brothers came around with his new campervan to show everyone. When Martin and Simon went out to see it, her brother started telling them all about it but Martin said all he could hear was Zach talking to him, saying it was “Mint and we needed to get one. That mom would love it and we could fit the dogs in it and go away every weekend.” Martin said he then heard Zach tell him “It’s okay dad, I will buy you one.” Martin said to Zach, “Zach we love you so much but there is no way you could possibly buy one for us.” He then turned around and walked into the house, really upset as you can imagine but didn’t tell anyone about what had just happened. Well, two hours later the mail came and we received a letter from Zach’s employer stating that Zach had taken out a life insurance policy and they wanted our bank details to deposit the money to. We had no idea he had done that! I went to show the letter to Martin, not knowing at this point what had happened between Zach and him and he broke down crying, then proceeded to tell me the story. As the day progressed, Simon was in his bedroom going over his speech for the funeral and talking to Zach about his race at Silverstone, when he won all the races over the whole weekend and how amazing it was. Simon and his wife were the only ones in the house. He said heard a knock twice on his door and then heard a scratch on the door. Thinking it was his wife, Anne, he opened to door to let her in but no one was there, not even the dogs!

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