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Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 27: 14th May, 2019

I woke up this morning and the light on my phone had switched on. I know I didn’t do it because I had just picked it up. I tried switching it off but it wouldn’t shut off. It took me ages before I could actually switch it off. You could write this off as a normal incident, but the way I tried to switch it off, it was as if it was stuck and the fact that I didn’t turn it on, lets us know that Zach did it. He is really getting good with electronics and is showing us he is always with us. It is honestly what is getting us through this life and he knows how important it is. God, we miss him. Another friend of Zach’s who is a photographer came over this afternoon. He and Zach used to take pictures of both Zach’s road car and his race car all the time. While he was here, he told us that when he opened his computer up today, on his wallpaper, there are random pics from his photo library with over 300 different pictures. Both screens get a random picture, but today, both screens had pictures of Zach’s car that he had taken on the same night. He took a picture of it on his phone and sent it to us. After everyone had left, Martin and I went to bed. Martin had fallen asleep before me, which he always does but his time, he spoke in his sleep. He said, “You guys did great today getting as far as you did, getting it all sorted.” Now, let me just mention to you all that Martin never ever talks in his sleep and I have been married to him for 28 years and one of the common things Zach always said was Sorted! We know it was him communicating through Martin to us. The only thing I regret was not being able to record it!

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