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Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 30: 17th May, 2019

This morning we got up and took the dogs out for a walk as we do most mornings. As we were walking down the road, I asked Martin and Zach what colour the new VW campervan should be and Martin said Zach will let us know. As we were walking up the street right in front of our house, a lime green and white VW camper van passed us and on the back window it said, “One Life Live It”, this is the saying that Zach has painted on the back of his race helmet. Because of this, we thought it would be a great idea to go out today and look at some campervans. On the route to the first place, we drove past a pub called Oceans, which earlier, I mentioned my cousin sent me a video of a song called Oceans and we have a video of Zach talking about one of his classes in high school and he mentions oceans in it, synchronicities…I have never seen this pub before in all the years we have lived here. We started laughing between us and said “we know it’s you Zach!” The instant we did, the radio stopped and quit playing! We thought okay Zach if you turned off the radio, we will play your music from your phone. The first song that played, was a song by Eminem called Venom. When we got to the camper store and walked in the shop, this same song, Venom by Eminem was playing, again synchronicities…. We left that shop and got back in the car and Martin said he could feel Zach driving as he definitely drives the car with us. It has an automatic shut off, called start stop, so when you stop the car, it turns off and as you push on the accelerator, it restarts. As we start talking to Zach, every time we stopped at a set of traffic lights it would switch off but then, the car would start on its own. Martin didn’t do anything to cause it to restart, he didn’t even move his foot and it happened about six times while we were out today. I said to Martin that I could feel Zach sitting on my lap again. It was as if I could feel the pressure of him sitting on top of my legs again. It was the same thing as the other day when I was riding shotgun in the passenger seat in the front. Right after I said that, George Ezra’s song “Shotgun” came on! If you are not familiar with the lyrics, it says, “I’ll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun, feeling like a someone.” Tonight before I went to sleep, I decided to video again in his room in the dark to try and see if I could see anything. As I was talking to him as soon as I said “okay Zach, it was time for me to go to sleep”, the camera shut off on my phone again, he is making a habit out of this now!

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