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Shape of you

Day 415: 5th June, 2020

Last night I received a call from a mom who’s son is also in spirit. He passed 9 months after Zach and the boys knew each other in the physical but now I am certain they know each other much better. Well, his mom, rang me to ask about signs as she and her husband get them from their son but are very sceptical of them and not sure about the afterlife. They know that we get signs all the time and that we believe we never die we just lose our bodies and that our kids are always right next to us. She tells me that she wasn’t sure what to do as she was talking to her brother on their phones and the phone line went to static. She could hear heavy breathing and then she heard “Muuuuum” and “Muuuuum” again. She knew she had heard correctly but thought it was her brother and when the line cleared, she asked her brother if he was okay. He said he was fine and they both then said “did you hear that?” She said she was sure it was her son but didn’t know what to do as she was excited but upset so she called me. We talked about it and I told her that it was definitely him and suggested a couple of books we have for she and her husband to read. We ended up walking the dogs over to their house to drop them off as she was not able to come collect them. It’s a six mile walk round trip and we walked through the village where they live. After we left their house and on our way home we stopped by a local shop to pick up a couple of things and literally, parked in the car park in front of us was a BMW with the license plate JAK. Their son’s name is Jack! It took us a bit but we realised that the car was parked in front of us but not only that, it was parked across the street from where they had Jack’s wake and Zach used to drive a BMW. We know they are together but that was just crazy! Then this morning I woke up to Ed Sheeran, Shape of you in my head. Zach’s dogs, Scruffy and Radar love to get on the bed in the morning and give us cuddles as that is what they used to to do with Zach so we try to keep it as “normal” as possible for them. Well, I got out of bed and started singing to Radar. He was sitting on the bed and I picked up his two front paws and started dancing with him, singing “Last night you were in my bed, now my bedsheets smell like you.” I changed the words from room to bed, to fit for Radar and the instant I sang it and said to Zach “your boys love you and we know you are here” his car alarm went off and it is right outside his bedroom window! You just can’t make it up!!!

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