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Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 22: 9th May, 2019

As you can imagine, today was Zach’s funeral and it was a really tough day. We thought it was only right to take Scruffy, Zach’s dog to say his goodbyes, so a friend and girl who also takes care of our most precious assets, took Scruffy and sat next to us at the church. One of the videos that was made in remembrance of Zach came on and it was his voice, the instant Scruffy heard it, he jumped up and was starring down the isle at the back of the church and made a really loud bark. We know he saw and heard Zach and everyone in the cathedral saw and heard it as well. After the funeral, the kids all went out to remember Zach. They went to a local bar that has a stage for live bands to play and it is just down the street from our house. Zach loves this place. As the kids were there, they were talking about Zach and all of a sudden all the lights where the kids were all standing flickered. Even the bar crew mentioned how it was weird and it had never happened before.

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