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Purple Rain

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 10: 27th April, 2019

I woke this morning with the song “Purple Rain, by Prince” in my head. I now realize that Zach has been communicating with me through songs every morning as I wake up. The only way I can explain it, is it’s like there is a radio playing in my head. We went to the funeral home and as we walked into the room, Zach was draped in a purple velvet and gold blanket with lace over his legs and feet. This is definitely not something he would want and I felt he was telling me, get it off! I then made the connection to Purple Rain that I had been hearing all morning, the purple blanket and the white lace, it had to go, so we removed it. We spent an hour or so there and while we were in the room, I was holding his hand and didn’t want to let go but Martin said “it’s probably time to leave, remember Zach keeps telling me it’s just my broken body dad.” The instant he said that, the door to the room opened by itself. Now there were three of us in the room, Martin, my mom and myself, we all looked at each other in shock and disbelief as we peeked through the open door but there was nobody around. The way the door latches, it is impossible for it to just open. We knew this was an amazing sign from Zach letting us know he is still here. We left and as we walked home through town, there was a busker playing “Purple Rain” you just can’t make it up! Later today, another friend of Zach’s stopped by and we were telling him the story about the door opening and just as we were mentioning it, the door to our living room, where we were sitting, slowly opened and again no one was there! We live in an old house and this is a heavy door and doesn’t just move easily even with a breeze, but there was no breeze! A few hours later, the chaplain that was going to speak at the service, came over and as we were discussing the funeral, one of the flowers in the vase on a table across the room started falling down right before our eyes, as if it was broken. It was as if someone took it and bent it. No one was near! You could put this down to the fact that flowers droop as they get older, but these were not old, they were brand new. As we watched it, the timing was just unreal. It stopped us both in our tracks and we knew it was Zach.

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