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Updated: Dec 19, 2020

Day 424: 14th June, 2020

I woke up this morning feeling low. I know that Zach is always with us as he gives us so many signs and by now I absolutely categorically know that he is right by our sides. After a few tears, I was talking to Zach and explaining how hard it is for us parents on this side of things to go on some days and others it is tolerable, but thanking him for all the signs he gives to us. I decided I would clean the house because that gives me comfort and I like knowing I am taking care of Zach’s House. As I was vacuuming his room a vision of another boy in spirit popped in my head and I could see him clear as day and I had received a message for his mom. I have met his mom through a bereaved parents group online and we have spoken a few times through messages. It was her son that I saw, so I thought I should message her to let her know so I sat down and went to send her a message on Facebook and while I was on there, I see that today is a year since his passing! I had no idea so I sent her a message and told her what I saw. She then tells me that she had asked her son for a sign and this was her response: “Wow! I have chills right now reading this. It’s so crazy because I asked him this morning to give someone a message, I rattled off a couple other names but here you are sending this. Thank you and I am so happy he has new friends that have brought new friends to me as well. Based on what I have heard you all say about Zach I am sure they both have a lot in common...the love of speed, adrenaline junkies. Much love to you all as well! Thank you for sharing!”

Our kids and loved ones are amazing and this is not all. Above our fireplace on a mantle piece is a saying FAMILY in block letters in cream and brown. I was taken to that with my eyes and saw MILY and heard “Mom, I love you” this is for you and Jen.” So I then send her another message with the image of the sign and she sends one back that is so similar to ours its uncanny.

As I was cleaning the house, I thought I would dust off the piano that Zach bought for us. As I went across the keyboard, three of the keys stuck so we had a look and figured out why, that it was the wood in front of them had swollen due to moisture in the air. We fixed it and got it working so it was no longer sticking. A few minutes later we decided it was time for lunch so we got up out of our chairs, which were in the room with the piano and started to walk out and just as we did, we heard the piano! It was a single key like someone had tapped it! I stopped and Martin stopped and we looked at each other and I said “did you hear that or was it just me?” He said yes, he absolutely heard it too!

Martin and I have started learning about astral travelling as we are expanding our awareness of the spirit world. He is reading a book at the moment and was explaining to me different techniques on how to do it. It was raining so I thought having the energy of the rain, it would be a good time to try it. I sat in my chair and said “okay Zach here we go, lets give this a shot” and the instant I said it, he set the car alarm off in his car! We both just laughed and said “thank you Zach.” I said to Martin, it shuts off by itself but he suggested we get up because as soon as we do, the alarm would stop and as we started to get up our of our seats, the alarm stopped! He is getting good at setting off the car alarm, it’s crazy how he does it! It is a brand new car and there is absolutely nothing out there to set it off….except Zach!

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