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Lets Go Crazy

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 13: 30th April, 2019

Simon was at our house and said he needed a few quite minutes to take a break. He said as he was thinking about Zach, “Let’s Go Crazy, by Prince” came on the radio, another Prince song. I don’t know why but Zach is using Prince as a connection and it’s funny because he didn’t really play any of his music when he was physically here. Three more of Zach’s friends came over today and told us they had visited the crash site last night and the chicken was back. As they approached, there were three cars lined up in the car park. They said, the chicken came out and was really calm again and no one’s exhaust scared it away. One of the girls kept talking to it and she said it had no expression, it just sat there looking at them, but when another friend said “Hi Zach”, they said it went crazy, started crowing or yelling and its back feathers stood straight up. The kids said they thought that something happened to it because it went nuts, but it didn’t run away, it just hung around them. I have just realised why the Prince song came on earlier today, it was because Zach was using it as a reference for the chicken going crazy! They then left the site and came back to our house and as we were sitting on the couch talking to each other, a few of us smelled Zach’s cologne. No one was wearing any but we kept smelling it in the air, the smell was really strong and we all witnessed it together. I needed to go to the store for a few things, so I got in the car and as I did, the first song that came on was Hallelujah. This is another song that is super meaningful to us as one of the boys who was over earlier, played it on Zach’s guitar at his funeral and Zach also loves that song as its on his favourites playlist.

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