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Day 414: 4th June, 2020

Today Martin and I did a Shamanic Journey meditation. Afterwards we talked about what we got. Martin said that Zach told him, “Enough of the shamanic journeys, I know you have been telling mom you want to do it every day but there is no need for all the drums, listen to them, it’s like Jumanji!” He held his hands up to the sky and he said the drums were driving him nuts and laughing, he said “you need to watch Jumamji tonight, you will see what I mean.” So tonight we look on the Sky box to find the movie Jumanji, which Zach had recorded on planner a long time ago and saved it but as I just changed our plan, now it is not included in it so we would have to upgrade to watch it. We looked at our Netflix and it’s not on there and Amazon Prime but it’s £.3.50 to rent so we decided not to watch it. We thought we would see if it was available to rent on Sky so we had a look and it is available, but for TONIGHT only it’s on special and it’s FREE!!!

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