Day 516: 14th Sept, 2020
Over the weekend, we went to a friends house who is a really big gardener. This inspired me to want to turn our yard into a green house and garden. So this morning, I decided I wanted to go to the shops and start to work on the yard. Martin and I went to a home and garden store and as we walked in, we grabbed a flat bed trolley. We walked around and ended up outside as that is where all the plants and gardening stuff is. We went to the compost area to get a few bags and as we stood there, there was a sign that said the turf was discounted at a £1 each. I said to Martin that Zach would love it if we were to grass the front garden and I had been thinking for a while how much I would love grass. We walked away from the trolley over to the turf to take a look and as we were standing there, our trolley started to move and roll towards the turf! There was no one else around and no wind or circumstances to cause it to move and then, a Robin bird appeared and landed on top of the turf so we had to buy it! We then debated on how much we needed and Martin said to buy it all as Zach would know how much we needed. I should also mention if you are not aware, we have a Robin that has made his home in our trees since Zach passed so we know that Robin birds are one of the many signs from Zach. We loaded the turf up and I thought we may have too many rolls. Martin said he thought it would just about be enough so we finished purchasing the rest of the items and drove home. When we went to lay the rolls out, it was EXACTLY the right amount of grass. You just can’t make it up! Thank you Zach!