Day 31: 18th May, 2019
Martin, Ella and I went out to look at campervans again today and on the way, at one of the roundabouts, we were stopped to merge onto the motorway and Martin heard Zach say to him “Nice E-type” but didn’t see one. As we started moving forward, a blue E-Type Jaguar appeared in front of us going around the roundabout and honestly, it came out of no where! While driving on the motorway, we passed a VW campervan with “One life live it” again and “The only tool in this van is the one driving it”. As you will have read, yesterday we also passed a campervan with the same saying which is also on the back of Zach’s race helmet. Zach also used to make fun of people who were bad drivers and he always called them tools! On the drive there, Martin said he heard Zach say “It was all about Ella today and he was going to let her know he is here with her.” I had the same feeling but just hadn’t mentioned it. As we got to the campervan shop, we saw a white and blue van that was very nice but none of us felt it was “the one.” As Martin stepped away from it, he heard Zach say “Go look at the red one dad.” He walked around looking but the lot was so full of vans he didn’t see a red one until he got to the middle of the lot. Of course, there was a red one and as we approached it, it was locked. The windows were blacked out so you couldn’t see the inside but again, he heard Zach say him to “look inside dad, its mint.” The attendant came over and asked if we would like to see inside, he said he had never seen an interior like it, so he opened it up and the inside was faux carbon fiber panels and cabinets. I had suggested jokingly earlier that we try and find one with carbon fiber, knowing that they don’t exist unless we had one custom made. We have never seen another one with that interior in it. So what do you do? Of course, we bought it. We decided we didn’t need to see any others so we headed to the office to fill out the paperwork. While we were sitting in the office, there were two chairs infront of the desk. Ella sat in the seat on the left and I stood next to her behind the other chair and Martin stood in the doorway. All of a sudden Martin said “I see him, he’s sitting right there, in the chair next to Ella.” Martin turned white as a ghost, pardon the pun, and walked out. He saw Zach, he said it was like a static picture of him sitting on the chair with his right leg and butt cheek on the chair and his left leg and cheek off the chair with his left arm reaching over the back of Ella’s chair across her shoulders. He was wearing jeans and a dark shirt. Martin said he wasn’t looking at us, he was looking at the guy doing the paperwork. Martin didn’t see his face but he saw Zach! This was the first time anything like this has happened! We were all in shock but knew we had chose the right van. We then left and started heading home. We stopped for lunch at the motor services and Ella and I went to the bathroom to wash our hands, as we looked up, we saw a saying right in front of us on the wall “Good friends don’t need to be seen, they are always there” we then left the bathroom and approached a kiosk that had books and stuff on it. I saw a book that said ”I see you” and then as we looked across Martin saw one that said “Miss you.” Ella then looked up and saw a bag that said “Top Bloke, The man, the myth, the legend” and then she found two coffee cups., one that said Darren and one that said Martin. Darren is Ella’s dad’s name and of course Martin. On Darren’s there was a lightbulb and on Martin’s, it said Legend. For those of you that knew Zach, you will have known that everyone calls him a legend and he used to say to me all the time, “lightbulb mom” when I didn’t quite get what he was saying. Well we had to buy the cups so we did and then left. On the way home, I fell asleep for a minute but I was awoke by a jolt in my hand, it was as if he grabbed it. The instant I woke up, there was a double decker red bus that was literally passing us that second and in the back window as it passed, had a sign across the back that said “Just Married.” I looked in the back and Ella was sleeping so I woke her up to show her and we all just sat there in amazement. I got a call from a friend of Zach’s who also lives in our town. He was telling me that he had been working on his car today and playing the song Country Roads. For those of you who don’t know, that is a very relevant song to Zach and I have mentioned it in some earlier posts. It was playing from his phone on the bluetooth in his car. He said it kept playing and he was getting annoyed so he stopped the music and locked his phone. However, Zach had a different idea. The music came back on and played, so he paused the music and locked his phone again but again, it turned back on and this happened another two times before it stopped!