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Energy Shift & My Big Toe

A few weeks ago we had an amazing week on the Gateway Program with The Monroe Institute UK. The next 2 blog entries share a couple of the events that occurred.

In an exercise I felt Zach come close, and my body started to tingle, then vibrate ( similar to the vibrational state before an OBE may occur but this was different) it continued to intensify and the energy got stronger and stronger emanating from my heart charka. It got so strong I asked Zach to help make it stop, telling him I couldn't handle this and it didn't feel good anymore. My whole body was shaking and I was almost levitating off the bed and my breathing became fast and deep. Zach told me there is nothing to worry about and this is a gift, it's an energy shift to increase my vibration. I gripped the sides of the bed and just held on, for what felt like hours. Finally it subsided and I turned to Krista who said she was worried about me but felt she should not interrupt whatever I had going on. The next blog entry happened the day after this experience.

Well last night shortly after we when to bed it started happening again! this time it was not as strong and lasted a shorter time, but I'm in no doubt it was another shift. So this morning as we were having our coffee I mentioned this and Krista asked when it happen. When I told her shortly after going to bed and before going to sleep she also had an experience at exactly the same time. She felt someone pulling on her big toe, and knew it was Zach, she lay there enjoying knowing Zach was touching her, but not knowing my experience at the very same time. We also realized we ordered the book "My big toe" yesterday on Zach's Audible account!

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