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Drive to Manchester with Zach

Day 395: 16th May, 2020

Martin and I woke up this morning feeling as though Zach wanted us to take the car out for a drive. Martin then says “It’s about past lives, Zach wants to take us by some of my homes I have lived in growing up because it will jog our memories”, but he didn’t know why. Martin spent all of his childhood growing up in Manchester and Knutsford so that is where we headed off to. By the time Martin was 15, he had lived in 10 houses so some of them he didn’t remember where they were. While we were on our way, Martin said “I am not driving, Zach is.” As we approached Manchester, Martin said, "I have no idea where we are going but I feel Zach telling me where to go so I am following what I feel." On the way to the first stop, Martin said I don’t recognise any of this but I am just going to trust Zach and as we turned, all of a sudden we were on a housing estate where he had lived in three different houses from the ages of 7-10 years old. After seeing these three homes, Martin said he now remembered some of the area as he revisited it but it had all changed so dramatically, he didn't recognise it at first, but from there he knew how to get to his old school. He hadn’t been to this area for over 40 years. However, at the junction where Martin wanted to turn right, he said he heard Zach say “No turn left” so we did and then said “Okay now left again” and then Martin remembered another house he lived in on this street when he was 5, the only memory he has of that house is, that is where he got his first motorbike. Of course Zach would take him there. Martin then remembered the number that was on his bike and his helmet was #1. Martin then realised Zach must have viewed Martin’s Akashic records and as Zach was able to guide us from place to place, was the proof of what he was telling us and that is what this trip is all about. From here we then begin to drive down another road, which Martin felt was the wrong way but we just went where Zach wanted to take us. As we were driving, we passed Bolton School and we realised why. Zach dated a girl that worked at that school but we couldn’t remember her name. As we drove along, a few minutes later we passed a fiat with the license plate with MEG on it. That was her name Megan and she drove a fiat! We already knew Zach was in control of the day but this has just confirmed it even more. He then drove us all through Manchester to get us to Monton, the next area of Manchester that Martin lived. Throughout the drive it was ridiculous how many 11 plates we saw. Again, it was Zach reassuring us that he knew the way. He took us straight to the next house, there were no extra turns. It was mad. After we left this house, he guided us to a backstreet and it ended up to be a dead end with garages but Martin had no idea of where we were until he looked at these old worn down garages and remembered that one of these garages was where he stored his race car while they were building it! After making a stop at Martin’s old grammar school, Martin said Zach was taking us somewhere else but wasn’t sure where. After a couple of minutes Martin realised we were about to get to the house he and his parents built, it was number 11 and the key memory here was the mounds of earth in the back garden when they were building the house that Martin rode his motorbike over and brought up a memory of him in the back garden. The next place we went to was Knutsford, the town Martin was born in and also returned to live before he moved to America. As we approached the town, we had the music on and the song Marry Me came on. He plays this one for Ella. We used to sell our burritos at the Farmer’s Market in Knutsford and Ella and Zach worked it together every month! From that house we drove a few miles to the house where he was born in and he knew this area well. From there Martin felt Zach wanted to take him a different way home, so he did. We said to Zach, “Not sure where you are taking us” and the first license plate we see is a WTF! We also passed a sign on the outside of a building that gave the time 11:22 and it was 11 degrees C. We laughed as we drove through the country lanes for about 15 minutes, Zach choosing every turn and then I saw a sign for Anderton boat lift and we realised that is where he was taking us. The next song to come on was called Boston and some of the lyrics are “No one knows my name”, followed by Ride on Josephine, and this one was played at his funeral. We got stopped at a temporary traffic light and we were the first in line to go. This is exactly what happened to Zach moments before his accident. After the light turned green we drove forward and see a sign that says “Anderton welcomes careful drivers!” We turned down a road and turned right into an industrial area. As we drove into it, we see that there are a few businesses under the name Anderton and at the end, there was a huge closed gate, it was the Anderton boat lift! This was the end of our drive and we knew Zach was showing and telling us that we have lived multiple lives together and he had to take us to the town of where our ancestors had lived.

We thought this was the end but little did we know that when we got home, we sat outside with our dogs eating lunch. We sat behind the car and as I got up I said to Martin I needed to clean up after the dogs, literally the second I said it, the car alarm went off and the driver’s side door was cracked open. We know 100% we didn’t leave it open. We were right next to it and had just taken our stuff out and locked it before we sat down to eat and it had been locked for about 20 minutes! That car is a sacred place, it seems like he finds it really easy to communicate when we are in the car or near it. We are learning to have trust and faith that it is Zach guiding and leading us in this life!

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