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Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Day 15: 2nd May, 2019

We went to the crash site today and saw the chicken again. We looked around to see if there was a farm or anywhere the chicken may live but there is nothing other than a kids adventure park and a golf course.

We have no idea where this little guy is coming from but he is not leaving! We left and went home and while we were sitting on the couch I could smell Zach’s cologne off and on again. It was really strong but there was no one in or near the room with cologne or perfume on. I knew it was my boy. We decided it was time for bed but we couldn’t sleep and as we were lying there, both Martin and I started talking about Zach and how we missed him so terribly, of course we were really upset. Well, as we laid there Martin’s phone went off and buzzed for about 30 seconds, it was like it was stuck but there were no messages or anything that would cause it to do that. His phone has never done that, ever and again, we knew it was our boy!

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