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Bentley and Oulton Park

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Day 399: 20th May, 2020

During meditation tonight before our circle class with Kat, Martin had an experience like a past life regression. He said it was so real and he got so much information and was able to confirm quite a lot of it. These are his words and his story, “As I meditated all of a sudden I was about 100ft above Oulton park near the entrance. I could see the cars driving in and it was present day. As I watched time went backwards and the cars, although still looking new got older and older. Then the cars stopped coming in and I realised the track was being constructed. They were making the entrance bridge over the track and there were two bulldozers one yellow and one red. They were old and it felt like the time period was early 1950’s. Then the time period changed and it was the mid 1920’s. I knew I was with Krista and Zach, I didn’t see them but could feel them in the car we were in. The car was an old Bentley the top was down and I could smell, hear, feel everything as we were approaching Oulton Park but we drove through the original entrance down a gravel drive towards the Hall. It looked very imposing but also very run down, the estate was all farm land and as we drove across the estate I could see the farm down the hill to the right and the gardens and lake behind the hall. Then the meditation was over and I was drawn back to the present. I immediately told Krista that I knew Zach was driving the car down the drive and I had confirmation he had been one of the Bentley boys in the 1920’s. I had thought this before so now I was compelled to research Oulton Park and the Bentley boys. This is what I found in just a few minutes. Oulton Estate did have a Hall ( I knew that, as one of the corners is called Old Hall, so no surprise) however the drawing of the hall is exactly like I saw in my trip, it burned down in 1925! I think I may have been looking at it very shortly before the fire. It became a race track in 1952 exactly the time I was seeing the construction, I didn’t know this. Before that during the war it was a staging ground for the US Army and in 1944 a US Heavy weight boxer did exhibition bouts to entertain the troops. Right now, Zach’s friends are organizing a boxing event for Zach’s House. It feels like the family has always had a strong connection to Oulton Park and Zach’s wake was held at Oulton Park. Yesterday we put a large picture of Zach on the dining room wall. Prior to this, we removed a picture from that spot, the picture we moved was of one of my cars at Oulton Park in the 1980s. These thoughts and feelings I had, made me research the Bentley boys even further. I just felt Zach telling me to look, there were three of them but one, Glen Kidston jumped out. His character is exactly like Zach, he looks quite like Zach, he was the fastest of the 3 drivers, like the ladies, didn’t have any fear and died at 32 years old in a plane he was flying that came apart mid-air. His memorial has a sun-dial and Krista and I both saw a sun dial in our circle class last week. Almost sure the car we were driving down the drive together was the same Bentley that my dad had when he was Zach’s age, the picture of the car is still on his wall, Could that be the actual car we drove down the drive together? Also the car Glen raced and won at LeMans 1930 was a Bentley Speed 6, in the collage of pics on our wall there is a pic of Zach when he was 11 in the modern Bentley race car, its name “Speed 6.” The year before in the 1929 Gran Prix, Glen was pipped to the post by an Alfa, what did Zach want and get before his accident an Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio! What did he keep calling it, “The best and the fastest one.” Glen’s last name is Kidston and his granddaughter is Cath. One of Krista’s favourite shops and Zach took her in one and bought her a couple of bags right before he passed because he knew she loved that store.” You just can’t make it up! When we learn to listen and do a bit of research, it is crazy what you can find out to be fact. It is all starting to make a little more sense now. Was Zach Glen? Who knows, but we will find out one day!

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