So things start to happen Saturday morning when we have the music on but the window open so that we can hear it outside as we are doing some gardening out front. "Van Morrision Someone like you" is playing when the volume goes up so high it gets distorted. I look through the window of the music room to see if Krista is in there but she's not, I turn to go inside to check and she appears around the corner asking me if i heard the volume change, so neither of us changed the volume, instantly the volume returns to its original volume, we look at each other and realize its Zach, and we say "hello."
Next happening is we get in the car and starting talking about Glen a friend of Zach's we had dinner with earlier in the week, the next car we pass is a Nissan GTR, the same type of car Glen has which is quite rare can we comment to Zach sayings it's nice that he tells us he was with us at dinner with Glen.
We then pull into the petrol station Zach always went to and as we are putting fuel in an
Alfa Guila Quadrifoglio the same car as us pulls in to fill up behind us. These are extremely rare cars and in the three years since we've had the car we've only seen a hand full of them. The driver gets out and we both comment that this has never happened before and he says it probably never will again, as there are so few in the country the chances of two filling up at the same station at the same time is about zero.
30 minutes later we are on the motorway in traffic and there is another Nissan GTR, remember they are quite rare so two in the last half hour is unusual, as approach it Krista says " is that Glen?" as we go pass it was him and with we hear him shout "NO WAY" later that day we message Glen and here is what he said "I shouted no way. Because honest to god. 2 minutes before I was just thinking “I should get the car cleaned before Zach’s drive.” Next thing I’m looking at his “I've got this boys” sticker and think who the hell is that? When I see your head pop out. I couldn’t believe it!
Still on Saturday when we return home we are stood by his car and a feather appears from nowhere and lands on his car, directly above the 4 leaf clover. FYI that represents the special high performance version of the car, remember earlier in the day when we saw the other one at the petrol station, That's Zach tells us he's there with us.
Sunday, we go to Tatton Park for Mother's Day, and going home we see yet another Nissan GTR, remember how rare they are too, so we message Glen to tell him, and he replies "No f***ing way! I’m in Tatton park! What the hell is going on?" FYI Glen also lives in Chester, same as us, which is a 45 minute drive from Tatton Park, what are the chances???