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3 Messages

Martin & Krista

The meditation we did on 11th April was called "3 messages" and is available on the Expand app from The Monroe Institute. It's a relatively short guided exercise that lasts 26 minutes and allows you to attain a state of mind to receive messages from our loved ones, guides, your higher self or the universe.

Below is a list of short summaries of several people who wish to share their experience.

Message 1 M&M people one purple and one white walking out the front door and down to and along a beach, then they were going on a road trip and they were travelling along a long straight but undulating road, I could see that as they went over the brow of the hills they lifted off the seat and went "wee". Message2 I heard Zach say don't buy cut flowers, buy a plant and have that delivered to Grandma instead. ( It is my mum's birthday today) Message3 was like a scene from a Bollywood movie, all our loved ones were on stage as the actor/singers and the people on the mediation were in the audience. Then they all said "we are all so proud of you" pointing at me then they all pointed at someone else in the audience and repeated "and you" and so on pointing at each member of the audience. (M)

Message1 Relax, on eiderdown. Don't usually use this word. Message2, The word" Silence". Message3 Images of leaves, rows of books, lying on grass looking up at the cherry blossoms and blue Sky (J)

Message1 TRUST (I heard this word) Message2 Diary of Life (I saw this as squiggly writing) Message 3 I saw the image of a long straight road and dipped up and down with trees on the left and grass on the right. (S)

Message 1 I saw a Daddy’s chocolate bar & then I saw a pineapple and the last one I saw was a silver handle that is used for a cabinet and I got the song round here by Counting Crows.

The first thing I felt was on my face. My lip and surrounding area, my eyes and the outer corners and between my brows had lots of pressure and I could feel movement on my face. I heard “your beautiful just the way you are” and then I got the song “You’re beautiful” by James Blunt”

The third one, I see a Black and yellow sign and heard “throw caution to the wind and go for it.” Then I hear the song “Black and yellow.” I then saw Dirty Dancing and heard the song “Time of my Life” and also got the movie Step up and heard “if anyone is thinking about taking dance lessons, you should go for it.” (K)

Here is feedback from one of the participants on Krista's experience immediately above.

Krista what you experienced really resonated with me especially the black and white . Bees are such a big sign of Hannah.

Don't bee( sorry🤣) surprised folks if you start seeing bee stuff all over the place now.

I told the story of Hannahs deep concern of the plight of bees( an interest from uni) to another spiritual group and literally from then on people were seeing bees and bee stuff everywhere.

If you are not looking for signs they just pass you by .

We have probably had signs all our life but no reason to look before. xx

A couple of people saw colours, and one colour in particular was silver. the picture above is a silver coloured door handle one of the participants had purchased the same day, which Krista had seen in her message 3 of her mediation.

We realized the M&M people on the road was a message for a participant and her son ( who's going home anniversary was the day of the mediation) , both of their names begin with M.

There may be messages here that resonate with you, if so please make a comment, we'd all love to know.

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